Tag: cuteness

Unbearable cuteness…in my laundry?…And 23 weeks, today.

There is so much cuteness hanging up in my living room on the clothes-drying rack right now.  I’ve started washing the little onesies and other baby clothes we’ve gathered, and they are painfully cute.  Today, we picked up two ginormous sacks of hand-me-downs from a cousin whose little boy has outgrown them, and it’s quite an ecclectic collection… some of my favorites so far are:

  1. The pimp coat (a white faux-fur hooded coat)
  2. The intellectual sweater (a bland, beige cardigan from Bennetton that looks like something I would have worn to death in grad school- much to the chagrin of my then-boyfriend.)
  3. The little sea-green baby converse that Little Dude is going to ROCK. 😛

Of course, we have things that I brought back from the US and that Mom and Dad brought over, but it’s always fun to see what you get in those hand-me-downs! Lil’ Dude is going to rock. (I know I just said that, but it’s ever-so-true!)

Little Dude also has treasures from America–

  1. Mom tracked down a blanket that Grandma (Dad’s Mom) made for my eldest sibling…as the story goes, it’s the only handicraft she ever made, and she had a hell of a time doing it. It is blue and pink crocheted scallops, and quite special.
  2. Grandma (Mom’s Mom, still causing trouble) made a lovely green, soft, knit blanket…. gentle rows of sage green and white contrasted with knitted rows….lovely.
  3. Mom made a lovely golden blanket, quite similar to this… all of Mom’s work is impressive 🙂
  4. Mom found a little weensie knit hooded jumper that she’d made for me (and that I’d worn) as a baby…it’s an adorable little yellow ball of cuteness.

On top of this, Mom knitted some very groovy ensembles…another hooded jumper, a couple pairs of baby booties, an extra cool pair of booties that look like moon boots… and, (photos must come soon, I realize) a ‘garlic bulb’. I’ll explain.

I made a ‘monkey sock’ for Bestie’s Baby….a light cotton circular-knit tube, closed at one end, that was intended to function as a blanket that the little muppet wouldn’t kick off. I thought this would be a good idea since I’d been watching my little niece kick blankets off (for the fun of it) while in her stroller and at times when a blanket really was a good idea. I didn’t know if Bestie Baby would like it, or if Bestie would think it looked like some trash, but she appreciated it, and Bestie Baby rocked it very well.

Since that worked, I decided to make a bigger and warmer one for my Little Dude…Little Dude will be living in a much cooler climate than Bestie Baby, so his was knit with thicker yarn…and I made this one bigger so he could use it for longer. It’s pea green with buttery yellow stripes. That sounds nasty, but it’s cute. It’s a ‘pea pod’.

Then, Mom and Dad came for a visit, so Mom made her own groovy baby sock…. Obviously, she made a ‘garlic bulb’ 🙂 Ribbed at the top to cling to baby’s midsection, big around the legs for kicking room, and tied at the bottom, so a diaper change doesn’t necessarily require removal of the sock.

And then (and I realize it’s all gotten out of hand by this point, but don’t worry…it’s the last one), I made a ‘humpty dumpty’. (Apparently, I can’t help myself with the nicknames for random objects. Carry on.) The ‘humpty dumpty’ is a groovy striped sock with legs at the very bottom…the legs can be loosely tied together when the baby is sleeping, so it is just a sock…. but if you want to use it in the Baby Bjorn, untie the legs, slide the Little Dude down, and roll the top front down into a little pillow for the Bjorn… the back can roll up over the head like a little hood. Cozy goodness on the go.

As I said, I stopped after making the ‘humpty dumpty’ as I realized this had all gone too far 🙂

Aside from all of these things, Little Dude has groovy onesie hand-me-downs from Bestie’s Baby… (tie-dye, peace symbols, Bob Marley… the usual) and a Paul Frank monkey suit I found at a consignment store.

My child does not need any more clothes… until he’s one. Then we’ll need more.

And finally, today marks the end of week #23 of this pregnancy 😉 I’m almost 6 months! Craziness 😉

Better Late Than Never…

Alright…I’m WAY behind on my blog, and I own that. Sorry, readers. I’d blame it on the holidays, but I can’t be bothered. Really, I’ve just been lazy. I’ve got some good postings to catch up on, too. My gal pal in Azeitão, for one, sent me a great recipe (tested by me, among other experts) and she wrote a posting of her own. I have my Christmas post. And I’m sure I’ve got a few zingers pent up after so long without writing. I have to, right?

But meanwhile, I’m protesting the bad weather, drinking American-Friends-era-coffeeshop-sized-cups of coffee, and eating cereal for lunch because I don’t feel like cooking. Or washing vegetables. Or getting up.

Despite my impressive cold-weather-induced laziness, I’ve still managed to find something wonderful.

Granted, lots and lots of other people have also found this something wonderful, but as the title of today’s post indicates, it is better to find good things late than to never have found them at all…

I (re-)share with you, Karla’s Closet.

Why you should check this out:

1. She’s absolutely adorable.

2. She has my haircut (before I started growing it out).

3. We could be twins. If I were in better shape. And cuter. And had better bone structure. And if I was more put-together. Aside from that, I’m telling you- twins.

4. Cute fashion. Simple fashion. Elegant fashion. Fun fashion. Happy photos. Giggles. Cuteness.

Anyway, you’ve probably already enjoyed her blog, since I’m the last one on the bandwagon. If not, do it now, and climb on aboard with me. We’ll sneak in the back door together and pretend like we’ve been there the whole time ;P